Moving Pixels Collection
Moving Pixels Collection.iso
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2,053 lines
sup: clr.l -(sp)
move.w #$20,-(sp)
trap #1
addq.l #6,sp
move.w #0,-(sp) ;set to low res
move.l #-1,-(sp)
move.l #-1,-(sp)
move.w #5,-(sp)
trap #14
add.l #12,sp
move.w #-1,ynflg
move.w #-1,bynflg
move.w #-1,outflg
move.w #-1,gynflg
move.w #150,ghostx
move.w #20,ghosty
move.w #24,bally
move.w #149,ballx
move.b #0,$484 ;turn key click and repeat off
move.w #0,nbrks
move.w #0,nrem
move.w #-1,current
move.w #1,plev
move.w #0,score
move.w #9,bound
move.w #-1,brick
move.w #-1,brtimes
move.w #3,xvel
move.w #0,lev
move.w #0,count
move.w #10,pdelay
move.w #0,yvel
move.w #150,bbx
move.w #97,bby
move.l #$ffffc00,kkk
jsr mousof
jsr getscrn
move.l screen,d1
addi.l #$8000,d1
move.l d1,batadd
move.l d1,tempad
move.l d1,ballad
move.l d1,ghostad
move.l d1,safe
move.w #-1,fast
jsr linea
jsr colors
* jsr loadscr
* jsr loadtit
jsr clearsc
move.l #screen3,which ;title screen in screen3
jsr copysc
lea ball,a0
jsr putvbl
move.w #2,xvel
move.w #2,yvel
jsr putrout
jsr wait
move.w #0,xvel
move.w #0,yvel
jsr testd
move.w #0,$452
move.w #-1,bynflg
move.l #screen2,which ;main screen in screen2
jsr copysc
jsr putfirst
jsr prtbnd
jsr prtlev
lea putsp,a0
jsr putvbl
* jsr putrout
lea prtscr,a0
jsr putvbl
lea zball,a0
jsr putvbl
lea ghost,a0
jsr putvbl
move.w #1,$452
move.w #178,bally
* jsr colors
start: jsr wait2
jsr testd
* jsr testd
jsr fin
jsr ballout
jsr quick
jsr stick
* jsr pause
jmp tst
testd: move.w #24000,d5
td: nop
dbf d5,td
*********************pause and jump***************
pause: clr.l d0
move.l kkk,a1
move.b (a1),d0
btst #7,d0
bne pausehome
move.b 2(a1),d0
btst #7,d0
bne pausehome
cmpi.b #127,d0
bgt pausehome
cmpi.b #1,d0
bne pausehome
move.w #0,$452
pa1: clr.l d0
move.b (a1),d0
btst #7,d0
bne pa1
move.b 2(a1),d0
btst #7,d0
bne pa1
cmpi.b #127,d0
bgt pa1
cmpi.b #114,d0
beq jumplev
move.w #1,$452
********************vbi to pulse red**************
subq.w #1,pdelay
bge pback
clr.l d0
move.w count,d0
lea redcol,a1
move.w (a1,d0),$ff8258
cmpi.w #24,count
blt pback2
move.w #0,count
move.w #4,pdelay
pback2: addq.w #2,count
move.w #4,pdelay
*********************stick to bat*******************
stick: move.w catches,d0
tst.w d0
bmi sthome
cmpi.w #175,bally
ble sthome
move.w mx,d0
cmp.w ballx,d0
bgt sthome
addi.w #32,d0
cmp.w ballx,d0
blt sthome
cmpi.w #2,buttondat
bne sthome
st: cmpi.w #2,buttondat
bne sthome2
move.w #0,xvel
move.w #0,yvel
move.w mx,d0
addi.w #12,d0
move.w d0,ballx
bra st
sthome2:move.w #2,xvel
move.w #-2,yvel
subq.w #1,catches
sthome: rts
*********************test if ball should go faster**********
quick: move.w buttondat,d1
cmpi.w #1,d1
beq qhome
qhome: move.w #1,fast
*************ball out***************
ballout:move.w outflg,d0
tst.w d0
bmi outback
move.w #0,xvel
move.w #0,yvel
move.w #178,bally
move.w #-1,fast
jsr testd
move.w #0,$452
move.l #boom,-(sp)
move.w #32,-(sp)
trap #14
addq.l #6,sp
move.w #13,d0
move.l #boomcol,a0
move.l #$ff8240,a1
bc: move.w (a0)+,(a1)
jsr boomdel
dbf d0,bc
subq.w #1,bound
move.w bound,d0
tst.w d0
bmi playerdead
jsr prtbnd
move.w #1,$452
jsr wait2
move.w #-1,outflg
boomdel:move.w #50000,d5
bd1: nop
dbf d5,bd1
******************wait two**************
wait2: move.w buttondat,d0
tst.w d0
bgt w2home
move.w mx,d0
addi.w #12,d0
move.w d0,ballx
bra wait2
w2home: move.w #2,xvel
move.w #-2,yvel
****************player dead*******************
move.w #-1,ynflg
move.w #-1,bynflg
move.w #-1,outflg
move.w #-1,gynflg
move.w #178,bally
move.w #150,ballx
move.l safe,ghostad
move.w #-1,current
move.w #-1,fast
move.w #0,nbrks
move.w #0,nrem
move.w #1,plev
move.w #4,bound
move.w #-1,brick
move.w #-1,brtimes
move.w #0,xvel
move.w #0,lev
move.w #0,yvel
move.w #150,bbx
move.w #97,bby
move.l #screen3,which
jsr copysc
jsr prtscr
jsr wait
move.l #screen2,which
move.w #0,score
jsr copysc
jsr prtlev
jsr prtbnd
jsr putfirst
move.w #1,$452
jsr wait2
bra start
*******************all bricks dead?*************
fin: move.w nbrks,d0
move.w nrem,d1
cmp.w d0,d1
blt finback
* move.w #-1,gynflg
move.w #192,ghosty
move.w #0,xvel
move.w #0,yvel
move.w #178,bally
addq.w #1,plev
jsr testd
move.w #0,$452
jsr prtlev
addq.w #4,lev
move.w #-1,fast
jsr putfirst
move.w #1,$452
jsr wait2
move.w #0,nrem
******************remove a brick******************
move.w #-1,brtimes
addi.w #2,score
clr.l d4
clr.l d5
move.w bbx,d5
move.w bby,d4
divu #16,d5
divu #8,d4
mulu #16,d5 ;x
mulu #8,d4 ;y
move.w current,d0
tst.w d0
bge rr1
clr.l d0
move.w #17,-(sp)
trap #14
addq.l #2,sp
asr.l #8,d0
cmpi.l #4500,d0
bgt rr1
move.w d4,ghosty
move.w d5,ghostx
addi.w #32,ghosty
move.w #1,current
rr1: mulu #160,d4
divu #16,d5
mulu #8,d5
add.w d5,d4
add.l screen,d4
move.l d4,a2
rembr: move.w #8,d6 ;copy height to d1
subq.w #1,d6 ;height - 1 = height if count starts at zero
rem1: move.w #0,d7 ;copy width to d0
rem0: move.l #0,(a2)+ ;move all four planes
move.l #0,(a2)+ ;(2 longs = 4 words(planes))
dbf d7,rem0 ;repeat width times
add.l #152,a2 ;move pointer to next line
dbf d6,rem1 ;repeat height times
******************two hit brick******************
tbrick: move.w thbrick,d0
tst.w d0
bmi thhome
addi.w #2,score
move.w bbx,d2
move.w bby,d1
divu #16,d2
divu #8,d1
mulu #16,d2
mulu #8,d1
mulu #160,d1
divu #16,d2
mulu #8,d2
add.w d2,d1
add.l screen,d1
move.l d1,a2
move.l d1,bad2
move.w #8,brtimes
move.l #bricks,a1
addi.l #128,a1
move.l a1,bad
move.w #-1,thbrick
thhome: rts
*******************brick flash***************
bflash: move.w brtimes,d5
tst.w d5
bmi nearth
move.w #8,d6 ;copy height to d1
subq.w #1,d6 ;height - 1 = height if count starts at zero
move.l bad2,a2
move.l bad,a1
th1: move.w #0,d7 ;copy width to d0
th0: move.l (a1)+,(a2)+ ;move all four planes
move.l (a1)+,(a2)+ ;(2 longs = 4 words(planes))
dbf d7,th0 ;repeat width times
add.l #152,a2 ;move pointer to next line
dbf d6,th1 ;repeat height times
move.l a1,bad
subq.w #1,d5
move.w d5,brtimes
tst.w d5
bmi nearth
nearth: rts
************************put the first bricks****************
move.w #5,catches
move.l #pattern,a0
clr.l d0
move.w lev,d0
move.l (a0,d0),a1 ;gives addr of pattern data
pf1: move.w (a1)+,$ff825a ;colors of bricks
move.w (a1)+,$ff825c
move.w (a1)+,d0 ;number of bricks in pattern
move.w d0,nbrks
addq.w #1,nbrks
move.w (a1)+,a6
pf2: movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(a7)
move.l #hitbat,-(sp)
move.w #32,-(sp)
trap #14
addq.l #6,sp
movem.l (a7)+,d0-d7/a0-a6
move.w (a1)+,d1 ;first brick
mulu #2,d1
move.l #adds,a0 ;screen addresses
move.w (a0,d1),a2 ;address of brick
add.l screen,a2
fillbr: move.w #8,d6 ;copy height to d1
subq.w #1,d6 ;height - 1 = height if count starts at zero
move.l #bricks,a0 ;shifted sprite address
adda.l a6,a0
fill1: move.w #0,d7 ;copy width to d0
fill0: move.l (a0)+,(a2)+ ;move all four planes
move.l (a0)+,(a2)+ ;(2 longs = 4 words(planes))
dbf d7,fill0 ;repeat width times
add.l #152,a2 ;move pointer to next line
dbf d6,fill1 ;repeat height times
jsr testd
dbf d0,pf2
jsr pulse
jsr bflash
move.w xvel,d0
move.w yvel,d1
add.w d1,bally
add.w d0,ballx
move.w bally,d2
cmpi.w #190,d2
bge bllout
move.w ballx,block
move.w bally,block+2
move.w #$7,block+4
move.w #$1,block+6
move.l #ballsp,block+8
move.l #balltemp,block+12
move.l screen,block+16
move.w #$1,block+26
move.l ballad,block+30
move.l #ballad,block+34
move.w bynflg,d0
tst.w d0
bmi cbalc
cblr1: move.w block+4,d1 ;copy height to d1
subq.w #1,d1 ;height - 1 = height if count starts at zero
move.l block+12,a0 ;shifted sprite address
cblr2: move.w block+6,d0 ;copy width to d0
move.l block+30,a1 ;absolute screen address to a1
move.l block+30,d6
cblr3: move.l (a0)+,d3 ;move all four planes
eor.l d3,(a1)+
move.l (a0)+,d3 ;(2 longs = 4 words(planes))
eor.l d3,(a1)+
dbf d0,cblr3 ;repeat width times
add.l #160,block+30 ;move pointer to next line
dbf d1,cblr2 ;repeat height times
move.l d6,block+30
cba: move.l ptsin,a6
move.w xvel,d0
move.w yvel,d1
move.w ballx,(a6)
move.w bally,2(a6)
add.w d0,(a6)
add.w d1,2(a6)
addq.w #2,(a6)
subq.w #1,2(a6)
dc.w getpix
tst.w d0
ble c1
neg yvel
jsr hit
c1: addq.w #3,(a6)
addq.w #3,2(a6)
dc.w getpix
tst.w d0
ble c2
neg xvel
jsr hit
c2: addq.w #3,2(a6)
subq.w #3,(a6)
dc.w getpix
tst.w d0
ble c3
neg yvel
jsr hit
c3: subq.w #3,(a6)
subq.w #3,2(a6)
dc.w getpix
tst.w d0
ble cbalc
neg xvel
jsr hit
bra cbalc
hit: cmpi.w #2,d0 ;hit a two hit brick
bne hit1
move.w (a6),bbx
move.w 2(a6),bby
move.w #1,thbrick
move.l #hitbr2,-(sp)
move.w #32,-(sp)
trap #14
jsr tbrick
addq.l #6,sp
hit1: cmpi.w #13,d0 ;hit a normal brick
blt hit2
move.w (a6),bbx
move.w 2(a6),bby
move.l #hitbr,-(sp)
move.w #32,-(sp)
trap #14
addq.l #6,sp
addq.w #1,nrem
jsr rembrick
hit2: cmpi.w #12,d0 ;hit red bat
bne hit3
move.l #hitbat,-(sp)
move.w #32,-(sp)
trap #14
addq.l #6,sp
move.w xvel,d1
tst.w d1
bmi hitneg
move.w #4,xvel
hitneg: move.w #-4,xvel
hit3: cmpi.w #11,d0
bne hit4
move.l #hitbat,-(sp)
move.w #32,-(sp)
trap #14
addq.l #6,sp
move.w xvel,d1
tst.w d1
bmi hitneg2
move.w #2,xvel
hitneg2:move.w #-2,xvel
hit4: move.l #hitbat,-(sp)
move.w #32,-(sp)
trap #14
addq.l #6,sp
cbalc: move.w #1,bynflg
clr.l d0
move.w block,d0 ;put x value in d0
divu #16,d0 ;divide by 16 leaves word boundry in d0
move.w block+2,d1 ;put y value in d1
mulu #160,d1 ;gives offset in words of line
move.w d0,d3
mulu #8,d3
add d3,d1 ;gives word to poke sprite
move.l block+16,d2 ;put screen address in d2
add d1,d2 ;gives actual screen address for sprite
move.l block+34,a0
move.l d2,(a0)
move.l d2,block+20
asr.l #8,d0
asr.l #8,d0 ;leaves x offset in d0
move.w d0,block+24
*************CODE TO ROTATE A SPRITE IMAGE***********************
* parameters to be passed on the stack in order are *
* 1- x offset from start of word *
* 2- address of place to put shifted image(tempsp) *
* 3- address of sprite data *
* 4- height of object in pixels *
* 5- width of object in words - 1 *
move.w block+4,d1 ;height in d1
move.w block+24,d2 ;offset to d2
subq.w #1,d1 ;height - 1 = height if count starts at zero
subq.w #1,block+6 ;width - 1 = width if count starts at zero
move.l block+8,a0 ;object pointer to a0
move.l block+12,a1 ;image pointer to a1
sbi1: move.w block+6,d0 ;width in d0
clr.l (a1) ;for each line, the first word of the
clr.l 4(a1) ;image must be cleared
sbi0: clr.l d4 ;make sure that the top halves of these
clr.l d5 ;registers are zeroed out
clr.l d6
clr.l d7
move.w (a0)+,d4 ;load in one word (four planes)
move.w (a0)+,d5 ;to be rotated
move.w (a0)+,d6
move.w (a0)+,d7
ror.l d2,d4 ;rotate all planes by the offset(d2)
ror.l d2,d5
ror.l d2,d6
ror.l d2,d7
or.w d4,(a1)+ ;add low order bits to the high order bits
or.w d5,(a1)+ ;stored by move instructions farther
or.w d6,(a1)+ ;down in this routine
or.w d7,(a1)+
swap d4 ;move high order bits into lower halves
swap d5 ;of the registers
swap d6
swap d7
move.w d4,(a1) ;save the high orders bits to be ORed
move.w d5,2(a1) ;in the loop (do not increment a1 because
move.w d6,4(a1) ;the ORs in the loop must function on
move.w d7,6(a1) ;the same addresses as these moves.
dbf d0,sbi0 ;repeat width times
addq.l #8,a1 ;new line, move to next word( * 4 planes = 8)
dbf d1,sbi1 ;repeat height times
addi.w #1,block+6
*********code to put sprite on screen********************
*********parameters to be passed on the stack are********
*********1- shifted sprite address (tempsp) *********
*********2- absolute screen address to put image*****
*********3- height in pixels *********
*********4- width in words -1 *********
pbotsp: move.w block+4,d1 ;copy height to d1
subq.w #1,d1 ;height - 1 = height if count starts at zero
move.l block+12,a0 ;shifted sprite address
rbs1: move.w block+26,d0 ;copy width to d0
move.l block+20,a1 ;absolute screen address to a1
move.l block+20,d6
rbs0: move.l (a0)+,d2 ;move all four planes
eor.l d2,(a1)+
move.l (a0)+,d2 ;(2 longs = 4 words(planes))
eor.l d2,(a1)+
dbf d0,rbs0 ;repeat width times
add.l #160,block+20 ;move pointer to next line
dbf d1,rbs1 ;repeat height times
move.l d6,block+20
bdone: rts ;done
bllout:move.w #1,outflg
ghost: move.w current,d0
tst.w d0
bmi gdone
addq.w #2,ghosty
move.w ghostx,gblock
move.w ghosty,gblock+2
move.w #$8,gblock+4
move.w #$1,gblock+6
move.l #ghostbr,gblock+8
move.l #ghosttemp,gblock+12
move.l screen,gblock+16
move.w #$1,gblock+26
move.l ghostad,gblock+30
move.l #ghostad,gblock+34
move.w gynflg,d0
tst.w d0
bmi gcalc
gblr1: move.w gblock+4,d1 ;copy height to d1
subq.w #1,d1 ;height - 1 = height if count starts at zero
move.l gblock+12,a0 ;shifted sprite address
gblr2: move.w gblock+6,d0 ;copy width to d0
move.l gblock+30,a1 ;absolute screen address to a1
move.l gblock+30,d6
gblr3: move.l (a0)+,d3 ;move all four planes
eor.l d3,(a1)+
move.l (a0)+,d3 ;(2 longs = 4 words(planes))
eor.l d3,(a1)+
dbf d0,gblr3 ;repeat width times
add.l #160,gblock+30 ;move pointer to next line
dbf d1,gblr2 ;repeat height times
move.l d6,gblock+30
move.w ghosty,d2
cmpi.w #190,d2
bge ghostout
ghit: move.l ptsin,a5
move.w ghosty,2(a5)
move.w ghostx,(a5)
addi.w #12,2(a5)
dc.w getpix
cmpi.w #8,d0
ble ghit2
cmpi.w #13,d0
bge ghit2
move.w #-1,current
move.w #-1,gynflg
bra gout2
ghit2: addq.w #4,(a5)
dc.w getpix
cmpi.w #8,d0
ble ghit3
cmpi.w #13,d0
bge ghit3
move.w #-1,current
move.w #-1,gynflg
bra gout2
ghit3: addq.w #4,(a5)
dc.w getpix
cmpi.w #8,d0
ble ghit4
cmpi.w #13,d0
bge ghit4
move.w #-1,current
move.w #-1,gynflg
bra gout2
ghit4: addq.w #4,(a5)
dc.w getpix
cmpi.w #8,d0
ble gcalc
cmpi.w #13,d0
bge gcalc
move.w #-1,current
move.w #-1,gynflg
bra gout2
gcalc: move.w #1,gynflg
clr.l d0
move.w gblock,d0 ;put x value in d0
divu #16,d0 ;divide by 16 leaves word boundry in d0
move.w gblock+2,d1 ;put y value in d1
mulu #160,d1 ;gives offset in words of line
move.w d0,d3
mulu #8,d3
add d3,d1 ;gives word to poke sprite
move.l gblock+16,d2 ;put screen address in d2
add d1,d2 ;gives actual screen address for sprite
move.l gblock+34,a0
move.l d2,(a0)
move.l d2,gblock+20
asr.l #8,d0
asr.l #8,d0 ;leaves x offset in d0
move.w d0,gblock+24
*************CODE TO ROTATE A SPRITE IMAGE***********************
* parameters to be passed on the stack in order are *
* 1- x offset from start of word *
* 2- address of place to put shifted image(tempsp) *
* 3- address of sprite data *
* 4- height of object in pixels *
* 5- width of object in words - 1 *
move.w gblock+4,d1 ;height in d1
move.w gblock+24,d2 ;offset to d2
subq.w #1,d1 ;height - 1 = height if count starts at zero
subq.w #1,gblock+6 ;width - 1 = width if count starts at zero
move.l gblock+8,a0 ;object pointer to a0
move.l gblock+12,a1 ;image pointer to a1
gsbi1: move.w gblock+6,d0 ;width in d0
clr.l (a1) ;for each line, the first word of the
clr.l 4(a1) ;image must be cleared
gsbi0: clr.l d4 ;make sure that the top halves of these
clr.l d5 ;registers are zeroed out
clr.l d6
clr.l d7
move.w (a0)+,d4 ;load in one word (four planes)
move.w (a0)+,d5 ;to be rotated
move.w (a0)+,d6
move.w (a0)+,d7
ror.l d2,d4 ;rotate all planes by the offset(d2)
ror.l d2,d5
ror.l d2,d6
ror.l d2,d7
or.w d4,(a1)+ ;add low order bits to the high order bits
or.w d5,(a1)+ ;stored by move instructions farther
or.w d6,(a1)+ ;down in this routine
or.w d7,(a1)+
swap d4 ;move high order bits into lower halves
swap d5 ;of the registers
swap d6
swap d7
move.w d4,(a1) ;save the high orders bits to be ORed
move.w d5,2(a1) ;in the loop (do not increment a1 because
move.w d6,4(a1) ;the ORs in the loop must function on
move.w d7,6(a1) ;the same addresses as these moves.
dbf d0,gsbi0 ;repeat width times
addq.l #8,a1 ;new line, move to next word( * 4 planes = 8)
dbf d1,gsbi1 ;repeat height times
addi.w #1,gblock+6
*********code to put sprite on screen********************
*********parameters to be passed on the stack are********
*********1- shifted sprite address (tempsp) *********
*********2- absolute screen address to put image*****
*********3- height in pixels *********
*********4- width in words -1 *********
gpotsp: move.w gblock+4,d1 ;copy height to d1
subq.w #1,d1 ;height - 1 = height if count starts at zero
move.l gblock+12,a0 ;shifted sprite address
grbs1: move.w gblock+26,d0 ;copy width to d0
move.l gblock+20,a1 ;absolute screen address to a1
move.l gblock+20,d6
grbs0: move.l (a0)+,d2 ;move all four planes
eor.l d2,(a1)+
move.l (a0)+,d2 ;(2 longs = 4 words(planes))
eor.l d2,(a1)+
dbf d0,grbs0 ;repeat width times
add.l #160,gblock+20 ;move pointer to next line
dbf d1,grbs1 ;repeat height times
move.l d6,gblock+20
gdone: rts ;done
move.l safe,ghostad
move.w #1,goutflg
move.w #-1,current
gout2: move.l safe,ghostad
addi.w #25,score
zball: move.w fast,d0
tst.w d0
bmi zbdone
move.w xvel,d0
move.w yvel,d1
add.w d1,bally
add.w d0,ballx
move.w bally,d2
cmpi.w #190,d2
bge zbllout
move.w ballx,block
move.w bally,block+2
move.w #$7,block+4
move.w #$1,block+6
move.l #ballsp,block+8
move.l #balltemp,block+12
move.l screen,block+16
move.w #$1,block+26
move.l ballad,block+30
move.l #ballad,block+34
move.w bynflg,d0
tst.w d0
bmi zcbalc
zcblr1: move.w block+4,d1 ;copy height to d1
subq.w #1,d1 ;height - 1 = height if count starts at zero
move.l block+12,a0 ;shifted sprite address
zcblr2: move.w block+6,d0 ;copy width to d0
move.l block+30,a1 ;absolute screen address to a1
move.l block+30,d6
zcblr3: move.l (a0)+,d3 ;move all four planes
eor.l d3,(a1)+
move.l (a0)+,d3 ;(2 longs = 4 words(planes))
eor.l d3,(a1)+
dbf d0,zcblr3 ;repeat width times
add.l #160,block+30 ;move pointer to next line
dbf d1,zcblr2 ;repeat height times
move.l d6,block+30
jsr bflash
zcba: move.l ptsin,a6
move.w xvel,d0
move.w yvel,d1
move.w ballx,(a6)
move.w bally,2(a6)
add.w d0,(a6)
add.w d1,2(a6)
addq.w #2,(a6)
subq.w #1,2(a6)
dc.w getpix
tst.w d0
ble zc1
neg yvel
jsr zhit
zc1: addq.w #3,(a6)
addq.w #3,2(a6)
dc.w getpix
tst.w d0
ble zc2
neg xvel
jsr zhit
zc2: addq.w #3,2(a6)
subq.w #3,(a6)
dc.w getpix
tst.w d0
ble zc3
neg yvel
jsr zhit
zc3: subq.w #3,(a6)
subq.w #3,2(a6)
dc.w getpix
tst.w d0
ble zcbalc
neg xvel
jsr zhit
bra zcbalc
zhit: cmpi.w #2,d0 ;hit a two hit brick
bne zhit1
move.w (a6),bbx
move.w 2(a6),bby
move.w #1,thbrick
move.l #hitbr2,-(sp)
move.w #32,-(sp)
trap #14
jsr tbrick
addq.l #6,sp
zhit1: cmpi.w #13,d0 ;hit a normal brick
blt zhit2
move.w (a6),bbx
move.w 2(a6),bby
move.l #hitbr,-(sp)
move.w #32,-(sp)
trap #14
addq.l #6,sp
addq.w #1,nrem
jsr rembrick
zhit2: cmpi.w #12,d0
bne zhit3
move.l #hitbat,-(sp)
move.w #32,-(sp)
trap #14
addq.l #6,sp
move.w xvel,d1
tst.w d1
bmi zhitneg
move.w #3,xvel
zhitneg:move.w #-3,xvel
zhit3: cmpi.w #11,d0
bne zhit4
move.l #hitbat,-(sp)
move.w #32,-(sp)
trap #14
addq.l #6,sp
move.w xvel,d1
tst.w d1
bmi zhitneg2
move.w #2,xvel
zhitneg2:move.w #-2,xvel
zhit4: move.l #hitbat,-(sp)
move.w #32,-(sp)
trap #14
addq.l #6,sp
zcbalc: move.w #1,bynflg
clr.l d0
move.w block,d0 ;put x value in d0
divu #16,d0 ;divide by 16 leaves word boundry in d0
move.w block+2,d1 ;put y value in d1
mulu #160,d1 ;gives offset in words of line
move.w d0,d3
mulu #8,d3
add d3,d1 ;gives word to poke sprite
move.l block+16,d2 ;put screen address in d2
add d1,d2 ;gives actual screen address for sprite
move.l block+34,a0
move.l d2,(a0)
move.l d2,block+20
asr.l #8,d0
asr.l #8,d0 ;leaves x offset in d0
move.w d0,block+24
*************CODE TO ROTATE A SPRITE IMAGE***********************
* parameters to be passed on the stack in order are *
* 1- x offset from start of word *
* 2- address of place to put shifted image(tempsp) *
* 3- address of sprite data *
* 4- height of object in pixels *
* 5- width of object in words - 1 *
move.w block+4,d1 ;height in d1
move.w block+24,d2 ;offset to d2
subq.w #1,d1 ;height - 1 = height if count starts at zero
subq.w #1,block+6 ;width - 1 = width if count starts at zero
move.l block+8,a0 ;object pointer to a0
move.l block+12,a1 ;image pointer to a1
zsbi1: move.w block+6,d0 ;width in d0
clr.l (a1) ;for each line, the first word of the
clr.l 4(a1) ;image must be cleared
zsbi0: clr.l d4 ;make sure that the top halves of these
clr.l d5 ;registers are zeroed out
clr.l d6
clr.l d7
move.w (a0)+,d4 ;load in one word (four planes)
move.w (a0)+,d5 ;to be rotated
move.w (a0)+,d6
move.w (a0)+,d7
ror.l d2,d4 ;rotate all planes by the offset(d2)
ror.l d2,d5
ror.l d2,d6
ror.l d2,d7
or.w d4,(a1)+ ;add low order bits to the high order bits
or.w d5,(a1)+ ;stored by move instructions farther
or.w d6,(a1)+ ;down in this routine
or.w d7,(a1)+
swap d4 ;move high order bits into lower halves
swap d5 ;of the registers
swap d6
swap d7
move.w d4,(a1) ;save the high orders bits to be ORed
move.w d5,2(a1) ;in the loop (do not increment a1 because
move.w d6,4(a1) ;the ORs in the loop must function on
move.w d7,6(a1) ;the same addresses as these moves.
dbf d0,zsbi0 ;repeat width times
addq.l #8,a1 ;new line, move to next word( * 4 planes = 8)
dbf d1,zsbi1 ;repeat height times
addi.w #1,block+6
*********code to put sprite on screen********************
*********parameters to be passed on the stack are********
*********1- shifted sprite address (tempsp) *********
*********2- absolute screen address to put image*****
*********3- height in pixels *********
*********4- width in words -1 *********
zpbotsp:move.w block+4,d1 ;copy height to d1
subq.w #1,d1 ;height - 1 = height if count starts at zero
move.l block+12,a0 ;shifted sprite address
zrbs1: move.w block+26,d0 ;copy width to d0
move.l block+20,a1 ;absolute screen address to a1
move.l block+20,d6
zrbs0: move.l (a0)+,d2 ;move all four planes
eor.l d2,(a1)+
move.l (a0)+,d2 ;(2 longs = 4 words(planes))
eor.l d2,(a1)+
dbf d0,zrbs0 ;repeat width times
add.l #160,block+20 ;move pointer to next line
dbf d1,zrbs1 ;repeat height times
move.l d6,block+20
zbdone: rts ;done
zbllout:move.w #1,outflg
***********************fancy clear screen****************
clearsc:move.l #99,d0
move.l screen,a0
cl1: move.w #159,d1
cl2: move.w #0,(a0)+
dbf d1,cl2
addi.l #160,a0
jsr cldel
dbf d0,cl1
move.w #99,d0
move.l screen,a0
addi.l #160,a0
cl3: move.w #159,d1
cl4: move.w #0,(a0)+
dbf d1,cl4
addi.l #160,a0
jsr cldel
dbf d0,cl3
cldel: move.w #3000,d2
cdel1: nop
dbf d2,cdel1
********************fancy copy screen*************
copysc: move.w #99,d0
move.l screen,a0
move.l which,a1
cop1: move.w #159,d1
cop2: move.w (a1)+,(a0)+
dbf d1,cop2
addi.l #160,a0
addi.l #160,a1
jsr cldel
dbf d0,cop1
move.w #99,d0
move.l screen,a0
addi.l #160,a0
move.l which,a1
addi.l #160,a1
cop3: move.w #159,d1
cop4: move.w (a1)+,(a0)+
dbf d1,cop4
addi.l #160,a0
addi.l #160,a1
jsr cldel
dbf d0,cop3
**********************routine to print a dec nuber*************
move.l #0,d7
move.w plev,d7
andi.l #$ffff,d7
move.l #line,a5
dodec: move.l d7,d6
divu #10,d6
move.w d6,d7
swap d6
addi.w #16,d6
move.b d6,(a5)+
cmpi.w #0,d7
bne dodec
move.l #pos,-(sp)
move.w #9,-(sp)
trap #1
addq.l #6,sp
move.l #col,-(sp)
move.w #9,-(sp)
trap #1
addq.l #6,sp
out: cmpa.l #line,a5
beq decback
move.b -(a5),d7
andi.w #$ff,d7
move.w d7,-(sp)
move.w #5,-(sp)
move.w #3,-(sp)
trap #13
addq.l #6,sp
bra out
decback: rts
****************print score************
move.l #0,d7
move.w score,d7
andi.l #$ffff,d7
move.l #line,a5
sodec: move.l d7,d6
divu #10,d6
move.w d6,d7
swap d6
addi.w #16,d6
move.b d6,(a5)+
cmpi.w #0,d7
bne sodec
move.l #spos,-(sp)
move.w #9,-(sp)
trap #1
addq.l #6,sp
move.l #col,-(sp)
move.w #9,-(sp)
trap #1
addq.l #6,sp
sout: cmpa.l #line,a5
beq secback
move.b -(a5),d7
andi.w #$ff,d7
move.w d7,-(sp)
move.w #5,-(sp)
move.w #3,-(sp)
trap #13
addq.l #6,sp
bra sout
secback:clr.l d0
move.w score,d0
cmpi.l #65000,d0
bgt ppp
ppp: move.w #6,d1 ;copy height to d1
move.l #76,a0 ;shifted sprite address
addi.l screen,a0
pp1: move.w #2,d0
pp2: move.l #0,(a0)+
move.l #0,(a0)+
dbf d0,pp2
addi.l #136,a0
dbf d1,pp1
move.w #0,score
****************print bounders left************
prtbnd: move.l #0,d7
move.w bound,d7
andi.l #$ffff,d7
move.l #line,a5
bodec: move.l d7,d6
divu #10,d6
move.w d6,d7
swap d6
addi.w #16,d6
move.b d6,(a5)+
cmpi.w #0,d7
bne bodec
move.l #bpos,-(sp)
move.w #9,-(sp)
trap #1
addq.l #6,sp
move.l #col,-(sp)
move.w #9,-(sp)
trap #1
addq.l #6,sp
bout: cmpa.l #line,a5
beq becback
move.b -(a5),d7
andi.w #$ff,d7
move.w d7,-(sp)
move.w #5,-(sp)
move.w #3,-(sp)
trap #13
addq.l #6,sp
bra bout
*************puts my mouse interupt in*****************
oldmouse: blk.l 1,0
*************puts my mouse interupt in*****************
putrout:move.w #34,-(sp)
trap #14
addq.l #2,sp
move.l d0,a0
move.l 16(a0),oldmouse
move.l #myrout,16(a0)
lastb: dc.w -1
**************my ubeut mouse interupt*******************
movem.l d0-d2/a0-a1,-(sp)
moveq #0,d0
move.b (a0),d0
cmpi.b #$fa,d0
bne myr1
move.w #1,buttondat
bra myrxy
cmpi.b #$f9,d0
bne myr2
move.w #2,buttondat
bra myrxy
cmpi.b #$fb,d0
bne myr3
move.w #3,buttondat
bra myrxy
move.w #0,buttondat
moveq #0,d0
move.b 1(a0),d0
ext.w d0
moveq #0,d1
move.b 2(a0),d1
ext.w d1
* lsl.w #6,d0
* lsl.w #6,d1
add.w d0,mx
add.w d1,my
myr4: move.w mx,d0
move.w my,d1
bsr extra
move.w d0,mx
move.w d1,my
movem.l (sp)+,d0-d2/a0-a1
extra: cmpi.w #mminx,d0
bge .S extra1
move.w #mminx,d0
bra .S extra2
extra1: cmpi.w #mmaxx,d0
ble .S extra2
move.w #mmaxx,d0
extra2: cmpi.w #mminy,d1
bge .S extra3
move.w #mmaxy,d1
bra extra4
extra3: cmpi.w #mmaxy,d1
ble .S extra4
move.w #mminy,d1
buttondat: dc.w 0
mx: dc.w 160
my: dc.w 100
mminx: equ 16 ;13
mmaxx: equ 275
mminy: equ 0 ;3
mmaxy: equ 255 ; 13 123
**************my ubeut mouse interupt*******************
************code to determine x offset *****************
* and absolute screen address *
* parameters to pass on stack as follows *
* 1- x of sprite *
* 2- y of sprite *
* 3- screen address *
* paremeters returned are x offset in d0 *
* absolute screen address in d2 *
bat: move.w mx,pblock
move.w #186,pblock+2
move.w #$e,pblock+4
move.w #$2,pblock+6
move.l #batsp,pblock+8
move.l #battemp,pblock+12
move.l screen,pblock+16
move.w #$2,pblock+26
move.l batadd,pblock+30
move.l #batadd,pblock+34
move.w ynflg,d0
tst.w d0
bmi calc
clr1: move.w pblock+4,d1 ;copy height to d1
subq.w #1,d1 ;height - 1 = height if count starts at zero
move.l pblock+12,a0 ;shifted sprite address
clr2: move.w pblock+6,d0 ;copy width to d0
move.l pblock+30,a1 ;absolute screen address to a1
move.l pblock+30,d6
clr3: move.l (a0)+,d3 ;move all four planes
eor.l d3,(a1)+
move.l (a0)+,d3 ;(2 longs = 4 words(planes))
eor.l d3,(a1)+
dbf d0,clr3 ;repeat width times
add.l #160,pblock+30 ;move pointer to next line
dbf d1,clr2 ;repeat height times
move.l d6,pblock+30
move.w ynflg,d0
tst.w d0
bge calc
move.l ptsin,a0
move.w ballx+2,(a0)
move.w bally+2,2(a0)
dc.w getpix
cmpi.w #5,d0
ble calc
neg xvel
neg yvel
calc: move.w #1,ynflg
clr.l d0
move.w pblock,d0 ;put x value in d0
divu #16,d0 ;divide by 16 leaves word boundry in d0
move.w pblock+2,d1 ;put y value in d1
mulu #160,d1 ;gives offset in words of line
move.w d0,d3
mulu #8,d3
add d3,d1 ;gives word to poke sprite
move.l pblock+16,d2 ;put screen address in d2
add d1,d2 ;gives actual screen address for sprite
move.l pblock+34,a0
move.l d2,(a0)
move.l d2,pblock+20
asr.l #8,d0
asr.l #8,d0 ;leaves x offset in d0
move.w d0,pblock+24
*************CODE TO ROTATE A SPRITE IMAGE***********************
* parameters to be passed on the stack in order are *
* 1- x offset from start of word *
* 2- address of place to put shifted image(tempsp) *
* 3- address of sprite data *
* 4- height of object in pixels *
* 5- width of object in words - 1 *
move.w pblock+4,d1 ;height in d1
move.w pblock+24,d2 ;offset to d2
subq.w #1,d1 ;height - 1 = height if count starts at zero
subq.w #1,pblock+6 ;width - 1 = width if count starts at zero
move.l pblock+8,a0 ;object pointer to a0
move.l pblock+12,a1 ;image pointer to a1
si1: move.w pblock+6,d0 ;width in d0
clr.l (a1) ;for each line, the first word of the
clr.l 4(a1) ;image must be cleared
si0: clr.l d4 ;make sure that the top halves of these
clr.l d5 ;registers are zeroed out
clr.l d6
clr.l d7
move.w (a0)+,d4 ;load in one word (four planes)
move.w (a0)+,d5 ;to be rotated
move.w (a0)+,d6
move.w (a0)+,d7
ror.l d2,d4 ;rotate all planes by the offset(d2)
ror.l d2,d5
ror.l d2,d6
ror.l d2,d7
or.w d4,(a1)+ ;add low order bits to the high order bits
or.w d5,(a1)+ ;stored by move instructions farther
or.w d6,(a1)+ ;down in this routine
or.w d7,(a1)+
swap d4 ;move high order bits into lower halves
swap d5 ;of the registers
swap d6
swap d7
move.w d4,(a1) ;save the high orders bits to be ORed
move.w d5,2(a1) ;in the loop (do not increment a1 because
move.w d6,4(a1) ;the ORs in the loop must function on
move.w d7,6(a1) ;the same addresses as these moves.
dbf d0,si0 ;repeat width times
addq.l #8,a1 ;new line, move to next word( * 4 planes = 8)
dbf d1,si1 ;repeat height times
addi.w #1,pblock+6
*********code to put sprite on screen********************
*********parameters to be passed on the stack are********
*********1- shifted sprite address (tempsp) *********
*********2- absolute screen address to put image*****
*********3- height in pixels *********
*********4- width in words -1 *********
potsp: move.w pblock+4,d1 ;copy height to d1
subq.w #1,d1 ;height - 1 = height if count starts at zero
move.l pblock+12,a0 ;shifted sprite address
rs1: move.w pblock+26,d0 ;copy width to d0
move.l pblock+20,a1 ;absolute screen address to a1
move.l pblock+20,d6
rs0: move.l (a0)+,d2 ;move all four planes
eor.l d2,(a1)+
move.l (a0)+,d2 ;(2 longs = 4 words(planes))
eor.l d2,(a1)+
dbf d0,rs0 ;repeat width times
add.l #160,pblock+20 ;move pointer to next line
dbf d1,rs1 ;repeat height times
move.l d6,pblock+20
done: rts ;done
*********************joy interupt*********************
getkey: lea key,a1
move.b (a1),d0
getjoy1:lea.l joy1,a1
move.b (a1),d0
getjoy2:lea.l joy2,a1
move.b (a1),d0
* pea mess1
* move.w #1,-(sp)
* move.w #25,-(sp)
* trap #14
* addq.l #8,sp
* pea mess2
* move.w #0,-(sp)
* move.w #25,-(sp)
* trap #14
* addq.l #8,sp
move.w #34,-(sp)
trap #14
addq.l #2,sp
move.l d0,a0
lea.l keyint,a1
move.l a1,32(a0)
mess1: dc.b $12,$14
mess2: dc.b $14
keyint: lea.l $fffffc00,a1
move.b 0(a1),d0
btst #7,d0
beq.s intk4
btst #0,d0
bne.s kriti
andi.b #$20,d0
bne.s kerror
kriti: movem.l d2/a0-a4,-(sp)
move.b 2(a1),d0
lea.l intwt,a2
cmpi.b #0,(a2)
bne.s keyj7
cmpi.b #$fc,d0
bcs.s keyj
lea.l joystat,a1
cmpi.b #$ff,d0
bne.s intk1
move.b #2,(a1)
intko: bra.s ekraj
kerror: move.b 2(a1),d0
intk4: rts
ekraj: movem.l (sp)+,d2/a0-a4
and.b #$20,d2
beq.s ekraj1
move.b 2(a1),d0
ekraj1: rts
intk1: cmpi.b #$fe,d0
beq.s intk2
lea.l intwt,a4
subi.b #$f6,d0
and.l #$ff,d0
lea.l kentlen,a3
move.b 0(a3,d0.w),(a4)
bra.S ekraj
intk2: move.b #1,(a1)
bra ekraj
keyj: lea.l intwt,a2
cmpi.b #0,(a2)
beq.s keyj5
keyj7: subi.b #1,(a2)
bra ekraj
keyj5: lea.l joystat,a1
btst #0,(a1)
bne.s jop1
btst #1,(a1)
bne.s jop2
lea.l nkey,a3
move.b d0,(a3)
cmpi.b #$80,d0
bcs.s keji
move.b #0,d0
keji: lea.l key,a3
keyj1: move.b d0,(a3)
move.b #0,(a1)
bra ekraj
jop1: lea.l joy1,a3
bra.s keyj1
jop2: lea.l joy2,a3
bra.s keyj1
scre: rts
nkey: dc.b 0
key: dc.b 0
joy1: dc.b 0
joy2: dc.b 0
joystat:dc.b 0
intwt: dc.b 0
kentlen:dc.b 7,5,2,2,2,2,6,2,1,1
bojaflg:dc.b 0
dc.b 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
setloc: dc.l 0
cintno: dc.b 0
intim: dc.b 0
************get screen address***************
getscrn:move.w #2,-(sp)
trap #14
addq.l #2,sp
move.l d0,screen
move.l d0,screen1
* move.l d0,screen2
* subi.l #$8000,screen2
* subi.l #$10000,d0
* move.l d0,screen3
************change colors****************
colors: move.l #palette,-(sp)
move.w #6,-(sp)
trap #14
addq.l #6,sp
*****************wait for a key*********************
wait: move.w buttondat,d0
tst.w d0
bgt wback
bra wait
wback: rts
***************turn mouse off***********************
mousof: dc.w $a00a
******************get line a params and stuff***************
linea: dc.w $a000
move.l 8(a0),intin
move.l 12(a0),ptsin
* move.w #0,36(a0)
* a brilliant routine courtesy of janko to *
* insert the vbi addresses in the jump table *
* lea address of routine in a0 do a jsr *
* putvbl and thats it!!! *
putvbl: lea $452,a1
move.w #1,(a1)
moveq #7,d1
lea $456,a1
move.l (a1),a1
vbl3: subi.b #1,d1
cmpi.b #0,d1
beq.s vbl4
move.l (a1)+,d0
cmpi.l #0,d0
bne.S vbl3
suba.l #4,a1
move.l a0,(a1)
vbl4: rts
* my routines for loading in the screens *
* note i use degas format even though I *
* hate the package,due to it's simple format *
* ie: 32l for pallette and straight 32k screen *
* dump *
loadscr:move #0,-(SP) ;Open file
move.l #filename,-(SP) ;Address of filename
move #$3D,-(SP)
trap #1 ;Get handle number in D0
addq.l #8,SP
move D0,-(SP) ;Save handle
move.l #dummy,-(SP) ;load pallette into safe area
move.l #34,-(SP) ;length to read in
move D0,-(SP) ;Handle
move #$3F,-(SP) ;bios number
trap #1 ;Read file in
add.l #12,SP
move (sp),d0
move.l screen2,-(SP) ;load it straight onto screen
move.l #32000,-(SP) ;length to read in
move D0,-(SP) ;Handle
move #$3F,-(SP) ;bios number
trap #1 ;Read file in
add.l #12,SP
move #$3E,-(SP) ;Handle already on stack
trap #1 ;Close file
addq.l #4,SP
loadtit:move #0,-(SP) ;Open file
move.l #titname,-(SP) ;Address of filename
move #$3D,-(SP)
trap #1 ;Get handle number in D0
addq.l #8,SP
move D0,-(SP) ;Save handle
move.l #dummy,-(SP) ;load pallette into safe area
move.l #34,-(SP) ;length to read in
move D0,-(SP) ;Handle
move #$3F,-(SP) ;bios number
trap #1 ;Read file in
add.l #12,SP
move (sp),d0
move.l screen3,-(SP) ;load it straight onto screen
move.l #32000,-(SP) ;length to read in
move D0,-(SP) ;Handle
move #$3F,-(SP) ;bios number
trap #1 ;Read file in
add.l #12,SP
move #$3E,-(SP) ;Handle already on stack
trap #1 ;Close file
addq.l #4,SP
*******************blocks for rotated sprites*************
tempsp: blk.w 500
onscreen: blk.l 1
pblock: blk.l 40
block: blk.l 40
ghosttemp: blk.w 500
ghostad:blk.l 1
gynflg: blk.w 1
gblock: blk.l 40
ghostx: blk.w 1
ghosty: blk.w 1
safe: blk.l 1
current:blk.w 1
goutflg:blk.w 1
keysav: blk.l 1
kkk: blk.l 1
plev: blk.w 1
pdelay: blk.w 1
count: blk.w 1
catches:blk.w 1
fast: blk.w 1
score: blk.w 1
bound: blk.w 1
brtimes:blk.w 1
which: blk.l 1
bad: blk.l 1
bad2: blk.l 1
balldo: blk.w 1
dir: blk.w 1
tmx: blk.w 1
nrem: blk.w 1
nbrks: blk.w 1
bynflg: blk.w 1
bdel: blk.w 1
screen: blk.l 1
ynflg: blk.w 1
batadd: blk.l 1
*screen2:blk.l 1
screen1:blk.l 1
*screen3:blk.l 1
clrbr: blk.w 50,0
dummy: blk.l 32
xvel: blk.w 1
yvel: blk.w 1
thbrick:blk.w 1
brick: blk.w 1
lev: blk.w 1
bbx: blk.w 1
bby: blk.w 1
filename: dc.b 'brkmain.pi1',0
titname: dc.b 'brktitle.pi1',0
tempad: blk.l 1
line: blk.b 10
pos: dc.b 27,89,32,38,0
col: dc.b 27,98,15,0
spos: dc.b 27,89,32,51,0
bpos: dc.b 27,89,32,69,0
oldshad:blk.l 1
bitoffs:blk.w 1
tempsh: blk.l 1
whsp: blk.w 1
first: blk.w 1
intin: blk.l 1
ptsin: blk.l 1
putpix: equ $a001
getpix: equ $a002
lastx: blk.w 1
lasty: blk.w 1
area: blk.w 200
balltemp: blk.w 500
battemp:blk.w 500
ballx: blk.w 1
bally: blk.w 1
ballad: blk.l 1
outflg: blk.w 1
* Hardware color pallet (color 0 to 15):
boomcol:dc.w $0106,$0205,$0304,$0403,$0502,$0601,$0700,$0601
dc.w $0502,$0403,$0304,$0205,$0106,$0007
palette:dc.w $0007,$0005,$0501,$0056,$0045,$0034,$0410,$0520
dc.w $0630,$0030,$0250,$0070,$0700,$0224,$0455,$0777
batsp: dc.w $007F,$007F,$3F80,$3FFF,$F000,$F000,$0FE0,$FFE0
dc.w $00FF,$00FF,$7F00,$7FFF,$F800,$F800,$07F0,$FFF0
dc.w $3EFF,$3EFF,$C100,$FFFF,$FBE0,$FBE0,$0418,$FFF8
dc.w $1EFF,$7EFF,$8100,$FFFF,$FBC0,$FBF0,$0408,$FFF8
dc.w $8000,$7EFF,$0100,$FFFF,$0008,$FBF0,$0400,$FFF8
dc.w $C000,$3EFF,$0100,$FFFF,$0018,$FBE0,$0400,$FFF8
dc.w $7EFF,$0100,$0100,$7EFF,$FBF0,$0400,$0400,$FBF0
dc.w $3EFF,$0100,$0100,$3EFF,$FBF0,$0400,$0400,$FBE0
dc.w $0FFF,$0000,$0000,$0000,$FFF8,$0000,$0000,$0000
dc.w $1FFF,$0000,$0000,$0000,$FFFC,$0000,$0000,$0000
dc.w $1FFF,$0000,$0000,$0000,$FFFC,$0000,$0000,$0000
dc.w $1FFF,$0000,$0000,$0000,$FFFC,$0000,$0000,$0000
dc.w $0FFF,$0000,$0000,$0000,$FFF8,$0000,$0000,$0000
dc.w $07FF,$0000,$0000,$0000,$FFF0,$0000,$0000,$0000
ballsp: dc.w $6000,$6000,$6000,$1000,$5000,$D000,$D000,$3800
dc.w $4400,$C000,$C000,$3800,$7E00,$F800,$F800,$0000
dc.w $0E00,$7000,$7000,$0000,$3E00,$0000,$0000,$0000
dc.w $1C00,$0000,$0000,$0000
ghostbr:dc.w $7FFF,$FFFF,$0000,$FFFF,$8001,$0001,$0000,$8001
dc.w $8001,$1EF1,$0000,$9EF1,$8001,$0281,$0000,$8281
dc.w $8001,$1EF1,$0000,$9EF1,$8001,$1011,$0000,$9011
dc.w $8001,$1EF1,$0000,$9EF1,$FFFE,$0001,$0000,$FFFF
bricks: dc.w $7FFF,$FFFF,$FFFF,$FFFF,$8001,$7FFF,$FFFF,$FFFF
dc.w $8001,$7FFF,$FFFF,$FFFF,$8001,$7FFF,$FFFF,$FFFF
dc.w $8001,$7FFF,$FFFF,$FFFF,$8001,$7FFF,$FFFF,$FFFF
dc.w $8001,$7FFF,$FFFF,$FFFF,$FFFE,$0001,$FFFF,$FFFF
dc.w $0000,$FFFF,$0000,$0000,$0000,$FFFF,$0000,$0000
dc.w $1FF8,$E007,$1FF8,$1FF8,$200C,$FFF3,$3FFC,$3FFC
dc.w $3004,$FFFB,$3FFC,$3FFC,$1FF8,$FFFF,$1FF8,$1FF8
dc.w $0000,$FFFF,$0000,$0000,$0000,$FFFF,$0000,$0000
dc.w $8001,$FFFF,$FFFF,$FFFF,$8001,$7FFF,$FFFF,$FFFF
dc.w $8001,$7FFF,$FFFF,$FFFF,$8001,$7FFF,$FFFF,$FFFF
dc.w $8001,$7FFF,$FFFF,$FFFF,$FFFE,$0001,$FFFF,$FFFF
dc.w $E001,$7FFF,$FFFF,$FFFF,$C001,$FFFF,$FFFF,$FFFF
dc.w $8001,$FFFF,$FFFF,$FFFF,$8001,$7FFF,$FFFF,$FFFF
dc.w $8001,$7FFF,$FFFF,$FFFF,$FFFE,$0001,$FFFF,$FFFF
dc.w $8C01,$7FFF,$FFFF,$FFFF,$9801,$7FFF,$FFFF,$FFFF
dc.w $B001,$7FFF,$FFFF,$FFFF,$E001,$7FFF,$FFFF,$FFFF
dc.w $C001,$FFFF,$FFFF,$FFFF,$FFFE,$8001,$FFFF,$FFFF
dc.w $8181,$7FFF,$FFFF,$FFFF,$8301,$7FFF,$FFFF,$FFFF
dc.w $8601,$7FFF,$FFFF,$FFFF,$8C01,$7FFF,$FFFF,$FFFF
dc.w $9801,$7FFF,$FFFF,$FFFF,$FFFE,$3001,$FFFF,$FFFF
dc.w $7FFF,$FFFF,$FFFF,$FFFF,$8019,$7FFF,$FFFF,$FFFF
dc.w $8031,$7FFF,$FFFF,$FFFF,$8061,$7FFF,$FFFF,$FFFF
dc.w $80C1,$7FFF,$FFFF,$FFFF,$8181,$7FFF,$FFFF,$FFFF
dc.w $8301,$7FFF,$FFFF,$FFFF,$FFFE,$0601,$FFFF,$FFFF
dc.w $7FFF,$FFFF,$FFFF,$FFFF,$8003,$7FFF,$FFFF,$FFFF
dc.w $8007,$7FFF,$FFFF,$FFFF,$800D,$7FFF,$FFFF,$FFFF
dc.w $8019,$7FFF,$FFFF,$FFFF,$8031,$7FFF,$FFFF,$FFFF
dc.w $8061,$7FFF,$FFFF,$FFFF,$FFFE,$00C1,$FFFF,$FFFF
dc.w $7FFF,$FFFF,$FFFF,$FFFF,$8001,$7FFF,$FFFF,$FFFF
dc.w $8001,$7FFF,$FFFF,$FFFF,$8001,$7FFF,$FFFF,$FFFF
dc.w $8003,$7FFF,$FFFF,$FFFF,$8007,$7FFF,$FFFF,$FFFF
dc.w $800D,$7FFF,$FFFF,$FFFF,$FFFE,$0019,$FFFF,$FFFF
dc.w $7FFF,$FFFF,$FFFF,$FFFF,$8001,$7FFF,$FFFF,$FFFF
dc.w $8001,$7FFF,$FFFF,$FFFF,$8001,$7FFF,$FFFF,$FFFF
dc.w $8001,$7FFF,$FFFF,$FFFF,$8001,$7FFF,$FFFF,$FFFF
dc.w $8003,$7FFF,$FFFF,$FFFF,$FFFF,$0007,$FFFF,$FFFF
dc.w $7FFF,$FFFF,$FFFF,$FFFF,$8001,$7FFF,$FFFF,$FFFF
dc.w $8001,$7FFF,$FFFF,$FFFF,$8001,$7FFF,$FFFF,$FFFF
dc.w $8001,$7FFF,$FFFF,$FFFF,$8001,$7FFF,$FFFF,$FFFF
dc.w $8001,$7FFF,$FFFF,$FFFF,$FFFE,$0001,$FFFF,$FFFF
redcol: dc.w $0700,$0600,$0500,$0400,$0300,$0200,$0100
dc.w $0200,$0300,$0400,$0500,$0600
lev1: dc.w $0224,$0455,79,0
dc.w 37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52
dc.w 91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99,100,101,102,103,104,105
dc.w 106,145,146,147,148,149,150,151,152,153,154,155
dc.w 156,157,158,159,160,199,200,201,202,203,204,205
dc.w 206,207,208,209,210,211,212,213,214,253,254,255
dc.w 256,257,258,259,260,261,262,263,264,265,266,267,268
**opening double
lev2: dc.w $0035,$0057,79,64
dc.w 37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52
dc.w 91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99,100,101,102,103,104,105
dc.w 106,145,146,147,148,149,150,151,152,153,154,155
dc.w 156,157,158,159,160,199,200,201,202,203,204,205
dc.w 206,207,208,209,210,211,212,213,214,253,254,255
dc.w 256,257,258,259,260,261,262,263,264,265,266,267,268
lev3: dc.w $0331,$0657,83,64
dc.w 36,37,53,90,161,198
dc.w 38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,92,93,94,95
dc.w 96,97,98,99,100,101,102,103,104,105,106,107,
dc.w 144,145,146,147,148,149,150,151,152,153,154,155,156
dc.w 157,158,159,200,201,202,203,204,205,206,207,208,209
dc.w 210,211,212,213,214,215,252,253,254,255,256
dc.w 257,258,259,260,261,262,263,264,265,266,267
lev4: dc.w $0030,$0060,37,0
dc.w 44,45,62,63,80,81,98,99,116,117,134,135,152,153
dc.w 170,171,188,189,206,207,224,225,242,243,260,261
dc.w 146,147,148,149,150,151,154,155,156,157,158,159
lev5: dc.w $0405,$0757,83,64
dc.w 38,39,51,52,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68
dc.w 69,70,74,75,92,93,110,111,128,129,146,147,164,165
dc.w 182,183,200,201,218,219,236,237,254,255,87,88,105
dc.w 106,123,124,141,142,159,160,177,178,195,196,213,214
dc.w 231,232,249,250,267,268,132,133,134,135,136,137,138
dc.w 150,151,152,153,154,155,156,168,169,170,171,172,173,174
lev9: dc.w $0224,$0455,165,0,36
dc.w 37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,57,58
dc.w 59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82
dc.w 83,84,85,86,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,99,100
dc.w 101,102,103,104,105,106,107,113,114,115,116,117,118
dc.w 119,120,132,133,134,135,136,137,144,145,146,147,148
dc.w 149,150,151,152,153,154,155,156,157,158,159,160,161
dc.w 168,169,170,171,172,173,185,186,187,188,189,190,191
dc.w 192,198,199,200,201,202,203,204,205,206,207,208,209
dc.w 210,211,212,213,214,215,219,220,221,222,223,224,225
dc.w 226,227,228,229,230,237,238,239,240,241,242,243,244
dc.w 245,246,247,248,252,253,254,255,256,257,258,259,260
dc.w 261,262,263,264,265,266,267,268,269
lev10: dc.w $0035,$0057,122,0
dc.w 40,41,42,43,44,45,51,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64,68,69
dc.w 75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,85,86,87,93,94,97,98,99,100
dc.w 101,102,103,104,105,111,112,115,116,117,118,119,120
dc.w 121,122,123,129,130,133,134,135,136,137,138,139,140
dc.w 141,147,148,149,150,151,152,153,154,156,158,159,165
dc.w 166,167,168,169,170,171,172,176,177,183,184,187,188
dc.w 189,190,194,195,201,202,205,206,207,208,212,213,219
dc.w 220,223,224,225,226,230,231,237,238,241,242,243,244
dc.w 248,249,255,256,259,260,261,262,266,267
lev11: dc.w $0331,$0651,52,64
dc.w 76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,96,114,132,150,168,186
dc.w 204,205,222,223,240,241,258,259,99,117,135,153,154
dc.w 171,172,173,174,189,207,225,226,243,244,261,262,263,264
dc.w 103,121,139,157,175,193,211,229,247,265
lev12: dc.w $0030,$0060,67,64
dc.w 92,105,42,60,78,96,114,132,150,168,186,204,185
dc.w 202,203,220,221,237,238,254,255,256,44,45,62
dc.w 63,80,81,98,99,116,117,134,135,152,153,170,171
dc.w 188,189,206,207,224,225,242,243,260,261,47,65,83,101
dc.w 119,137,155,173,191,209,192,210,211,228,229,247,248,265
dc.w 266,267
lev13: dc.w $0405,$0707,86,64
dc.w 58,59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,76,85,94,96,97,98,99
dc.w 100,101,102,103,112,121,130,131,132,133,134,135,136
dc.w 137,139,148,157,166,168,169,170,171,172,173,174,175
dc.w 184,193,202,203,204,205,206,207,208,209,211,220,229
dc.w 238,239,240,241,242,243,244,245,246,247,256,265,274
dc.w 275,276,277,278,279,280,281,283,288,289,290,291,292
dc.w 301,302,303,304,305
lev14: dc.w $0035,$0057,69,64
dc.w 292,300,303,290,297,298
dc.w 293,294,295,296,299,301,302,291,252,253,254,255
dc.w 256,257,258,259,262,263,264,265,266,267,268,269,221
dc.w 222,223,224,225,226,227,228,180,181,182,183,184,185
dc.w 186,187,190,191,192,193,194,195,196,197,25,43,61,79
dc.w 97,115,133,151,28,46,64,82,100,118,136,154
lev15: dc.w $0244,$0355,10,0
dc.w 18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28
dc.l lev1,lev2,lev3,lev4,lev5,lev9
dc.l lev10,lev11,lev12,lev13,lev14
adds: dc.w 2568,2576,2584,2592,2600,2608,2616,2624,2632,2640
dc.w 2648,2656,2664,2672,2680,2688,2696,2704
dc.w 3848,3856,3864,3872,3880,3888,3896,3904,3912,3920
dc.w 3928,3936,3944,3952,3960,3968,3976,3984
dc.w 5128,5136,5144,5152,5160,5168,5176,5184,5192,5200
dc.w 5208,5216,5224,5232,5240,5248,5256,5264
dc.w 6408,6416,6424,6432,6440,6448,6456,6464,6472,6480
dc.w 6488,6496,6504,6512,6520,6528,6536,6544
dc.w 7688,7696,7704,7712,7720,7728,7736,7744,7752,7760
dc.w 7768,7776,7784,7792,7800,7808,7816,7824
dc.w 8968,8976,8984,8992,9000,9008,9016,9024,9032,9040
dc.w 9048,9056,9064,9072,9080,9088,9096,9104
dc.w 10248,10256,10264,10272,10280,10288,10296,10304,10312
dc.w 10320,10328,10336,10344,10352,10360,10368,10376,10384
dc.w 11528,11536,11544,11552,11560,11568,11576,11584,11592
dc.w 11600,11608,11616,11624,11632,11640,11648,11656,11664
dc.w 12808,12816,12824,12832,12840,12848,12856,12864,12872
dc.w 12880,12888,12896,12904,12912,12920,12928,12936,12944
dc.w 14088,14096,14104,14112,14120,14128,14136,14144,14152
dc.w 14160,14168,14176,14184,14192,14200,14208,14216,14224
dc.w 15368,15376,15384,15392,15400,15408,15416,15424,15432
dc.w 15440,15448,15456,15464,15472,15480,15488,15496,15504
dc.w 16648,16656,16664,16672,16680,16688,16696,16704,16712
dc.w 16720,16728,16736,16744,16752,16760,16768,16776,16784
dc.w 17928,17936,17944,17952,17960,17968,17976,17984,17992
dc.w 18000,18008,18016,18024,18032,18040,18048,18056,18064
dc.w 19208,19216,19224,19232,19240,19248,19256,19264,19272
dc.w 19280,19288,19296,19304,19312,19320,19328,19336,19344
dc.w 20488,20496,20504,20512,20520,20528,20536,20544,20552
dc.w 20560,20568,20576,20584,20592,20600,20608,20616,20624
dc.w 21768,21776,21784,21792,21800,21808,21816,21824,21832
dc.w 21840,21848,21856,21864,21872,21880,21888,21896,21904
dc.w 23048,23056,23064,23072,23080,23088,23096,23104,23112
dc.w 23120,23128,23136,23144,23152,23160,23168,23176,23184
hitbat: dc.b 0,0,1,0,2,0,3,0,4,0,5,1,6,0,7,$3b,8,$10,9,$10,10,$10
dc.b 11,0,12,$10,13,9
dc.b $80,2,$81,4,$40,1,$82,0,0
hitbr: dc.b 0,0,1,0,2,0,3,0,4,0,5,0,6,0,7,$3e,8,$10,9,$10,10,$10
dc.b 11,0,12,$10,13,9
dc.b $80,$20,$81,0,$40,1,$82,0,0
hitbr2: dc.b 0,0,1,0,2,$20,3,0,4,0,5,1,6,0,7,$3c,8,$10,9,$10,10,$10
dc.b 11,0,12,$10,13,0
dc.b $80,2,$81,0,$40,1,$82,0,0
boom: dc.b 0,0,1,$f,2,0,3,0,4,0,5,1,6,$1f,7,$2e,8,$10,9,$10,10,$0
dc.b 11,0,12,$80,13,9,$82,0
blk.b 128,0
blk.b 32000,0
blk.b 128,0
blk.b 32000,0